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#Blog_Assuntos Internacionais e Inglês #Estudar fora #internacional #universidades

What´s your dream school? How to start creating a college list

Publicado em 21/02/2017 10:42

Going to have some extra time over the Carnaval holiday? Why not spend it thinking about what colleges you may want to apply to?


There´s several ways to build a college list. The most important part is research, research, research! Second, you need to have a balanced list with your reach/dream schools, target schools and safeties or “likely” schools.

For US colleges, the College Board website has a free tool you can use to list out some of your preferences and look for schools. Other great resources include US News website and the Fiske Guide to Colleges (Debbie has a copy in her office!).

Try to think of some factors that are important to you (or not) like: location (urban? rural? east coast? west coast? another country?), weather, ranking (national and/or specific to your intended major), acceptance rate, % of international students, etc.

Then start researching! Go to each college´s website and try to learn more about that school. Your initial list might have 20-30 schools and then we´ll filter down to approximately 10 around the time of applying.

It´s never too early to start dreaming about what school you´re excited about…

Have questions? Come talk to Olavo or Debbie.




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