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Happy Pi Day! Best Engineering Programs

#Blog_Assuntos Internacionais e Inglês #Engineering #Estados Unidos #Estudar fora #internacional #universidades

Happy Pi Day! Best Engineering Programs

Publicado em 14/03/2017 09:12

Happy Pi Day! (March 14 = 3.14!)

pi day

We thought we´d celebrate Pi Day by honoring the mathematicians at Band who are looking for a degree in Engineering.

There are several Engineering rankings available including by specific program, but here´s one to take a look at today “Best Engineering Programs (at schools whose highest degree is a doctorate)”:

  1. MIT
  2. Stanford
  3. UC Berkeley
  4. CalTech
  5. Georgia Tech
  6. UIC – Urbana
  7. U Michigan – Ann Arbor
  8. Carnegie Mellon
  9. Cornell
  10. Purdue

The full list of this ranking is available at: US News Best Undergrad Engineering Programs

Other rankings available at: US News Best Colleges Rankings

pi day joke


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