Negociação e Direito: proposições
Autor: Pedro A. L. Ramunno
Editora: Saraiva
ISBN 978-85-02-61614-1
Este livro, que o leitor tem às mãos, é útil a todo mundo, já que estamos todos negociando não profissionalmente no dia a dia; e é, ademais, necessário aos que negociam profissionalmente. Pedro Alves Lavacchini Ramunno, apesar de jovem, estudou o assunto com muita profundidade e o apresenta, aqui, de modo rigoroso, mas acessível a quem quer que se interesse por conhecer este fascinante mecanismo de obtenção de resultados, que é a negociação.
Longman preparation course for the TOEFL test
Autora: Deborah Phillips
Editora: Pearson Longman
ISBN 13: 978-0-13-205690-8
This book gives students all the tools they need to succeed on the new TOEFL integrated-skills test. Providing both a comprehensive language-skills course and a wealth of practice for all sections of the test, the longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: iBT, second Edition is appropriate for courses in TOEFL-Test preparation or as a supplement to more general ESL courses.
Le Sahara: um Désert mondialisé
Autor: Bruno Lecoquierre
Editora: La Documentation Française
ISSN 0419-5361
Le Sahara: cette zone longtemps relégué d’un point de vue géographique et géopolitique est désormais pris dans les dynamiques de la globalisation. Le Sahara est un désert mondialisé ! Pour l’appréhender dans toute sa complexité, ce dossier adopte une approche géographique plurielle. Puis, il est appréhendé d’un point de vue géohistorique : période pré-désertique, mythes, exploration, conquête, colonisation et indépendance. Enfin, on trouvera dans ce dossier une analyse du Sahara contemporain à travers les objets les plus récents de la géographie : les mobilités et les phénomènes réticulaires, l’urbain, l’aménagement, l’environnement ainsi que le tableau socio-économique de chacun des dix pays sahariens. Cartes, iconographie, fac-similés de documents de presse locale, textes littéraires… et même un extrait du carnet de terrain de Théodore Monod accompagnent ce dossier.
ACT 36 Aiming for the perfect score
Autores: Alexander Spare, Ann Summers e Jonathan Pazol
Editora: Barron’s Educational Series
ISBN 978-1-4380-0625-3
For more than 70 years, BARRON’S experts have been helping students surpass their expectations on standardized tests. this book gives you everything you need in order to shoot for a perfect 36.
English & Reading workout for the ACT
Autor: The Princeton Review
Editora: Random House
ISBN 978-1-101-88168-2
Are difficulties with reading comprehension or sentence structure dragging your ACT score down? If so, this is the workbook for you. Designed for students specifically looking to sharpen their verbal skills, this 3rd edition of The Princeton Review’s English & Reading Workout for the ACT provides the review and practice needed for verbal mastery.
1,460 ACT Practice questions
Autora: Melissa Hendrix
Editora: Random House
ISBN 978-1-101-88231-3
With The Princeton Review! This revised 4th edition of our popular ACT practice question compendium contains 1,460 practice problems to help familiarize you with the exam, including both drills and full- length tests and detailed answers and explanations to better support your understanding of tricky problems.
Cracking the ACT 2015 Edition
Autores: Geoff Martz, Kim Magloire e Theodore Silver
Editora: Random House
ISBN 978-0-8041-2550-5
A test-preparation course is much more than clever techniques and powerful computer score reports; the reason our results are so great is that our teachers really care. A small group of Princeton Review instructors enthusiastically created a program to prepare students for the previous version of the ACT. We would like to thank John Cauman, Judy Moreland, Bill Lindsley, and Jim Reynolds for their commitment to the original ACT Project.
Math & Science workout for the ACT
Autor: The Princeton Review
Editora: Random House
ISBN 978-1-101-88167-5
Are difficulties with geometry or algebraic problem-solving dragging your ACT score down? If so, this is the workbook for you. Designed for students specifically looking to sharpen their quantitative skills, this 3rd edition of The Princeton Review’s Math & Science Workout for the ACT provides the review and practice needed for subject mastery.
6 ACT practice tests
Autores: Patsy J. Prince e James D. Giovannini
Editora: Barron’s Educacional Series
ISBN 978143800494-5
For 70 years, Barron’s experts have been helping students surpass their expectations on standardized tests. This book gives you the intensive hands-on practice you need to get the score you want on the ACT.
– Six full-length model tests that reflect the actual ACT in length, question types, and degree of difficulty.
– Contains the most up-to-date practice tests available.
– All questions answered and explained, with detailed analyses pointing out why the correct answers are the right ones.
– Proven test-taking strategies and tips that make the difference between a good score and a great score.
Histórias que a história não conta
Autor: Paulo Nathanael P. de Souza
Editora: Miró Editorial
ISBN 978-85-62381-38-6
O professor Paulo Nathanael Pereira de Souza nos presenteia com mais um instigante livro: Histórias que a história não conta. Tais histórias por ele relatadas prendem o leitor do início até o final e ampliam horizontes de leitura de nossa historiografia. Personalidades como Anchieta, missionário jesuíta; Monteiro Lobato, pai da literatura infantil; Euclides da Cunha, a quem devemos a demarcação das fronteiras amazônicas; Ruy Barbosa, nosso maior erudito; Campos Salles, um estadista que quis salvar o Brasil da bancarrota, nos envolvem entre outros textos; além disso, deve-se destacar o impressionante relato que o autor faz da polêmica que se desenvolveu na Inglaterra no século XIX a propósito da vida de Francis Bacon.