National Geographic Brasil – v.16, n.185, ago. 2015
Papa Francisco. Exclusivo: a vida, as ideias, os amigos e os perigos dentro do Vaticano.
O Papa vai mudar a Igreja? Ou a Igreja vai mudar o Papa?
Mundo Estranho – ed. 170, v.14, n.09, ago. 2015
Crianças médiuns: as irmãs que ouviam o morto enterrado em casa. A menina que conversava com o pai da vida passada. A infância de Chico Xavier. E o que o espiritismo diz sobre o fenômeno.
Turma da Mônica Jovem – v.84, jul. 2015
Herdeiros da Terra: conclusão
Galileu – n.289, ago. 2015
O guia anarquista da felicidade científica: psicologia, neurociência, economia e filosofia ajudam a entender tudo o que é necessário sobre esse sentimento.
Super Interessante – ed.350, v.29, ago. 2015
Mentira. Por que nunca contamos tanta?
A mentira faz parte da vida. Mas, de uns tempos para cá, ela explodiu: os dados mostram que as pessoas estão mentindo cada vez mais. Saiba por que isso está acontecendo, quais são as consequências e o que fazer para se defender dessa onda.
Nature – v.523, n.7561, 23 jul. 2015
Green light for transplantation
Leonard Zon, MD, Grousbeck Professor of Pediatric Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Director of the Stem Cell Program, Children’s Hospital Boston, and colleagues have developed a novel competitive marrow transplantation system in adult zebrafish in which engraftment is measured by in vivo fluorescence imaging of the kidney — the adult haematopoietic site.
Gestão Educacional – n.123, ano XI, ago. 2015
Educação integral: ferramenta de qualidade e equidade no ensino. Brasil já reúne casos de sucesso, mas ainda enfrenta desafios financeiros políticos e culturais.
Aramco World – v.66, n.04, jul. ago. 2015
Six Degrees of Suriname
Suriname is a country the size of Florida with a half million souls living with Guyana to the west, French Guiana east and giant Brazil south. Paramaribo, its capital, gives the impression of a peaceful coastal town back in the 1950s—until new cars and pickups bring you back to the present. Road signs are in Dutch, but driving is on the left, just as it was in the Netherlands before Napoleon invaded and switched it, but his decree never reached this Dutch colony.
Scientific American – v.313, n.02, aug. 2015
The Most Invasive Species of All
Of all the human species that have lived on the earth, only Homo sapiens managed to colonize the entire globe. Scientists have long puzzled over how our species alone managed to disperse so far and wide.
A new hypothesis holds that two innovations unique to H. sapiens primed it for world domination: a genetically determined propensity for cooperation with unrelated individuals and advanced projectile weapons.
Since 1984 Parkett has been an important source of literature on international contemporary art. Each biannual issue is a collaboration with four artists, in which their work is explored in fully illustrated essays by leading writers and critics.